Sunday, July 12, 2020

Holy Spirit Church, Margao

The Church was originally built by the Jesuit missionaries in 1564 but was destroyed in 1571. It was later rebuilt in 1645 and the sprawling structure was completed in 1675. Its architecture is a fine example of the Indian baroque style. The outer facade consists of a pristine white facade and towers on either side with a central dome structure.

The impressive reredos (ornamental screen) is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, rising from ground level to the high ceiling, made more distinguished by the gilded and carved archway that stands in front of it.he window arches are in the shape of sea shells while a moulded peacock appears on the north transept wall. There are statues of St Anthony and of the Blessed Joseph Vaz, kept in glass cabinets in the north aisle near the north transept. In the square is a monumental cross. The church hosts 2900 catholic families.

Source: Click here

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